BIN stands for Business Identification Number. It is a 14-digit number that is assigned to businesses in Bangladesh by the National Board of Revenue (NBR). BIN is required for businesses to operate legally and to pay taxes.

For businesses that run Facebook ads in Bangladesh, it is important to have a BIN. If a business does not have a BIN, Facebook will charge an additional 15% VAT on their ad spend. This is because Facebook is required to collect and pay VAT to the NBR on behalf of businesses that do not have a BIN.


Add a BIN to your Facebook Ad Account

  1. Go to your Facebook Business Manager account.
  2. Click on Business Settings in the top left corner.
  3. Click on Payments in the left column.
  4. Under Business Information, click Edit next to Tax Information.
  5. Enter your BIN in the Business Identification Number (BIN) field.
  6. Click Save.

Once you have added your BIN to your Facebook ad account, you will no longer be charged the additional 15% VAT on your ad spend.

Benefits of having a BIN for Facebook Ads:

  • Avoid paying an additional 15% VAT on your ad spend.
  • Show your customers that you are a legitimate business.
  • Increase your trust and credibility with potential customers.
  • Make it easier to comply with Bangladeshi tax laws.

If you are a business that runs Facebook ads in Bangladesh, it is important to have a BIN. Having a BIN will save you money on your ad spend and make your business more credible to potential customers.

BIN for Businesses in Bangladesh

The Value Added Tax and Supplementary Duty Act, 2012, requires all businesses in Bangladesh to have an Electronic Business Identification Number (e-BIN). This is also known as a VAT registration certificate. Businesses need a BIN to operate legally and to participate in certain activities, such as manufacturing, service rendering, withholding entities, tenders, banking, and export and import. The Customs, VAT, and Excise Department of the National Board of Revenue (NBR) regulates the VAT registration process.

What we do

  • We submit online applications for BINs and attach the required documents.
  • We help businesses pass the field audit report by the Assistant Revenue Officer (ARO).
  • We frequently visit the VAT office to process, complete, and receive the e-BIN certificate.
  • We print and provide the certificate to our clients.

Required documents for VAT registration/update/opening a BIN

  • Authentic cell number
  • Authentic email address
  • Company address as per trade license
  • Operational status
  • Number of employees
  • Turnover information:
    • Company’s transaction last year
    • Estimated transaction for the next year
    • Major area of economic activity
  • If a manufacturer:
    • Input-output information
    • Layout plan and equipment
    • List of machinery and equipment
    • Previous BIN (9 or 11 digits)
    • Import registration license (if necessary) (list of imported items with HS (Harmonic System) code)
    • Export registration license (if necessary)
    • Trade license
    • All bank statements for the last year
    • Company tax identification number (E-TIN)
    • All directors’ NID/passport
    • Memorandum of Association (MOA), Articles of Association (AOA), and incorporation certificate
    • Details of authorized persons (who will maintain the online e-BIN services):
      • NID
      • Cell number
      • Email
      • Designation
    • Any other necessary documents



Hope the above description will help you with how to operate with BIN and Facebook.

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