In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, businesses are constantly seeking effective ways to enhance their online presence and attract their target audience. One of the pivotal strategies that can make a remarkable difference is keyword research

Nestled in the heart of Chittagong, Bangladesh, Mesbah Uddin has been a beacon of excellence, providing top-notch keyword research services that pave the way for online success. With a wealth of experience and a meticulous approach, I, Mesbah Uddin, am confident to give you the required low-competitive and popular keywords for your business.

keyword research
Image by lil artsy from pexels

What is Comfortable with My Agency

You can order from us through our website:, to get keyword research services. Plus, you can come to my office at Chandgaon-Chittagong, seat, and talk to me in detail about your company and needs. I even make you understand face-to-face why keyword research is important for your business.

Why Keyword Research?

•Find Popular terms or keyword

•Identifying target customers and their needs

•Finding low-competitive keywords  to rank quickly

•Find competitor’s keywords and find opportunities

•Helps in PPC advertising, finding the right keyword

•Finding long-tail keywords for low competition

•Finding location-specific keywords

•Identifying keyword trend

•Effective link building

The Art of Keyword Research

By delving into the intricacies of search engine algorithms and user behavior, My agency crafts strategies that enable businesses to stand out in the digital realm. 

Through meticulous analysis and utilization of various tools, my team identifies keywords that hold the potential to drive traffic, increase visibility, and boost conversions.

Tools and Techniques in KW Research

My agency employs a diverse array of tools and techniques to ensure comprehensive keyword research. Google Auto Suggest, Google PAA (People Also Ask), and Related Searches serve as the foundational pillars of their process. 

These tools help unearth relevant keywords and provide insights into user queries. In addition, the agency leverages extensions such as WhatsMySERP, Ubersuggest, MozBar, and SEOquake to gauge crucial parameters like Domain Authority (DA), Page Authority (PA), Website Age, Total no of pages indexed and Linking Root Domains (LPS).

Tools I Use for Keyword Research

Paid Tool

  • Semrush
  • Ahref

Image by Pixabay from pexels

Strategic Gap Analysis

Taking the process a step further, we conduct meticulous manual analysis of the top 10 websites ranking for specific keywords. This approach unveils gaps and opportunities that can be harnessed for improved ranking. 

By identifying areas where competitors might be lacking, the agency crafts strategies that position their clients for success.

Premium Tools for Swift Results

In certain scenarios where urgency and precision are paramount, Mesbah Uddin Agency harnesses the power of premium tools such as SEMrush and Ahrefs. 

These tools offer in-depth insights into keyword competition, search volume, and backlink profiles, allowing the agency to provide swift and highly effective keyword research services.

My Keyword Research Service Charge

  • Basic Package ($15):
    • Comprehensive keyword research for up to 10 primary keywords.
    • Analysis of Google Auto Suggest, PAA, and Related Searches.
    • Manual evaluation of top 5 competitor websites for keyword gaps.
  • Premium Package ($35):
    • Extensive keyword research for up to 20 primary keywords.
    • In-depth analysis using premium tools such as SEMrush or Ahrefs.
    • Competitor analysis of top 10 websites with strategic recommendations.
  • Advanced Package ($90):
    • Strategic keyword research for up to 50 primary keywords.
    • Thorough analysis using premium tools, including competition insights.
    • Comprehensive competitor gap analysis for enhanced strategy development.
    • Customized keyword mapping and content recommendations.

Other Keyword Research Services in Chittagong

Since keyword research can be done online, you can take keyword research services from anywhere you like. Go to Fiverr, Upwork or LinkedIn and find keyword research in Chittagong, you can find a good no of people who can do better keyword research. Of, find SEO services in Chittagong to get KW research service.


My agency is committed to delivering exceptional keyword research services which has cemented its position as a trailblazer in the digital marketing landscape of Chittagong, Bangladesh. 

Through meticulous techniques, a plethora of tools, and a customer-centric approach, the agency empowers businesses to harness the true potential of keywords and achieve remarkable online success. 

Whether it’s the basic, premium, or advanced package, Mesbah Uddin Agency offers tailored solutions that cater to diverse needs, ensuring every client takes a confident stride toward digital excellence.

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